

Hello! I am Stacie Ross. I have always loved sewing and making things. My husband and I own a marketing and branding firm called Impel Creative. When work slowed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I started making fabric masks. After I made a few for our family, I shared a link to order masks on Facebook. Only expecting to get a handful of orders, mask-making quickly become a full-time job for both me and my husband (the handsome Doug Crouch if you were wondering)!

The "Maker Bug" had bitten me again! We are glad that we have been able to support the community in this unprecedented time. While we continue to make masks, we have moved into the next phase of Lakewood Made. We are an online retail shop for area designers and makers with the advantage of one source to find quality locally-made items and local pickup.

We partner with really creative designers and artists from Lakewood and Northeast Ohio. If you or someone you know are interested in working with us, visit this page to learn more!